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The pressed keyboard buttons are recorded by the free keylogger pro in the standard apps, Metro-apps, and even console apps.

Keylogger pro free download Keylogger pro free download

During the recording of the typed texts the key loggers software registers pressing of the service keys and saves the text in a way that it was viewed by the user.

Keylogger function is enabled by default. There is no need to change any additional settings to make it work.

All the pressed keys and typed texts from the monitored computer are available online in the user panel and can be viewed from any device that has Internet connection.

Along with occasional taking and saving of screenshots, the keyboard logger allows you to view almost an entire picture of the computer activity.

Why is this feature useful?

Nowadays, text messages are among the most widespread means of communication because of how convenient and discreet they are.

In such a way, having an opportunity to use a keylogger function is incredibly valuable if you need to know as much information as possible to protect your children and be aware of your employees’ activity while they are at work. With the help of this feature, you will know how often your child uses the device and for which purposes and whether there are any reasons to be concerned.

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